OpenCMISS-Zinc 3.0.0 Release C++ API Documentation
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OpenCMISS::Zinc::Scene Class Reference

Container/manager for graphics visualising a region. More...

#include <scene.hpp>

Public Member Functions

 Scene (cmzn_scene_id scene_id)
 Scene (const Scene &scene)
Sceneoperator= (const Scene &scene)
bool isValid () const
cmzn_scene_id getId () const
int beginChange ()
int endChange ()
int convertToPointCloud (const Scenefilter &filter, const Nodeset &nodeset, const Field &coordinateField, double lineDensity, double lineDensityScaleFactor, double surfaceDensity, double surfaceDensityScaleFactor)
Graphics createGraphics (Graphics::Type graphicsType)
GraphicsContours createGraphicsContours ()
GraphicsLines createGraphicsLines ()
GraphicsPoints createGraphicsPoints ()
GraphicsStreamlines createGraphicsStreamlines ()
GraphicsSurfaces createGraphicsSurfaces ()
Selectionnotifier createSelectionnotifier ()
Graphics findGraphicsByName (const char *name)
Graphics getFirstGraphics ()
Graphics getNextGraphics (const Graphics &refGraphics)
Graphics getPreviousGraphics (const Graphics &refGraphics)
int getNumberOfGraphics ()
Region getRegion () const
Fontmodule getFontmodule ()
Glyphmodule getGlyphmodule ()
Materialmodule getMaterialmodule ()
Scenefiltermodule getScenefiltermodule ()
Sceneviewermodule getSceneviewermodule ()
Spectrummodule getSpectrummodule ()
Tessellationmodule getTessellationmodule ()
Timekeepermodule getTimekeepermodule ()
Field getSelectionField ()
int setSelectionField (const Field &selectionField)
int getSpectrumDataRange (const Scenefilter &filter, const Spectrum &spectrum, int valuesCount, double *minimumValuesOut, double *maximumValuesOut)
bool getVisibilityFlag ()
int setVisibilityFlag (bool visibilityFlag)
int moveGraphicsBefore (const Graphics &graphics, const Graphics &refGraphics)
int removeAllGraphics ()
int removeGraphics (const Graphics &graphics)
Scenepicker createScenepicker ()

Protected Attributes

cmzn_scene_id id

Detailed Description

Container/manager for graphics visualising a region.

Container/manager for the graphics making up the visualisation of the region's domains and fields.

Member Function Documentation

int OpenCMISS::Zinc::Scene::beginChange ( )

Use this function before making multiple changes on the scene, this will stop scene from executing any immediate changes made in scene. After multiple changes have been made, call the scene end change method to notify clients of changes made up to that point. Can be nested.

See Also
Status OpenCMISS::Zinc::OK on success, any other value on failure.
int OpenCMISS::Zinc::Scene::convertToPointCloud ( const Scenefilter filter,
const Nodeset nodeset,
const Field coordinateField,
double  lineDensity,
double  lineDensityScaleFactor,
double  surfaceDensity,
double  surfaceDensityScaleFactor 

Creates a cloud of points (nodes) in the supplied nodeset sampled at random locations according to a Poisson distribution on the lines and surfaces that are in the scene tree (filtered by the optional filter), i.e. including all its descendents. Points/nodes are created with the next available identifier. The density of points is set by supplied arguments and may be scaled by data values stored in each graphics.

filterThe filter determining which graphics from the scene tree are converted. If not supplied then all graphics are converted.
nodesetThe nodeset to add nodes to.
coordinateFieldThe coordinate field to be defined and assigned on the new nodes. Must be from the same region as the nodeset.
lineDensityThe expected number of points per unit length for lines.
lineDensity_scale_factorIf a lines graphics has a data field the mean value of its first component multiplied by this factor is added to the expected value.
surfaceDensityThe expected number of points per unit area of surfaces.
surfaceDensity_scale_factorIf a surfaces graphics has a data field the mean value of its first component multiplied by this factor is added to the expected value.
Status OpenCMISS::Zinc::OK on success, otherwise some other error code including OpenCMISS::Zinc::ERROR_ARGUMENT.
Graphics OpenCMISS::Zinc::Scene::createGraphics ( Graphics::Type  graphicsType)

Create a graphics of the given type in the scene.

graphicsTypeEnumerator for a specific graphics type.
Handle to the new graphics, or NULL/invalid handle on failure.
GraphicsContours OpenCMISS::Zinc::Scene::createGraphicsContours ( )

Create a contours graphics in the scene. Contours create graphics showing where the isoscalar field has fixed value(s): iso-surfaces for 3-D domains, iso-lines for 2-D domains.

Handle to the new graphics, or NULL/invalid handle on failure.
GraphicsLines OpenCMISS::Zinc::Scene::createGraphicsLines ( )

Create a lines graphics in the scene. Used to visualise 1-D elements and lines/faces of elements.

Handle to the new graphics, or NULL/invalid handle on failure.
GraphicsPoints OpenCMISS::Zinc::Scene::createGraphicsPoints ( )

Create a points graphics in the scene. Used to visualise static points, nodes, data and sampled element points. Must set the domain type after creation.

See Also
Handle to the new graphics, or NULL/invalid handle on failure.
GraphicsStreamlines OpenCMISS::Zinc::Scene::createGraphicsStreamlines ( )

Create a streamlines graphics in the scene.

Handle to the new graphics, or NULL/invalid handle on failure.
GraphicsSurfaces OpenCMISS::Zinc::Scene::createGraphicsSurfaces ( )

Create a surfaces graphics in the scene. Used to visualise 2-D elements and faces.

Handle to the new graphics, or NULL/invalid handle on failure.
Scenepicker OpenCMISS::Zinc::Scene::createScenepicker ( )

Create a scene picker which user can use to define a picking volume and find the onjects included in this volume.

Handle to new scene picker, or NULL/invalid handle on failure.
Selectionnotifier OpenCMISS::Zinc::Scene::createSelectionnotifier ( )

Return a handle to selection notifier for this scene. User can add and remove callback functions from the selection notifier. The callback functions will be called when selection on the scene has changed. Please see selection.h for more details.

Handle to the new selection notifier, or NULL/invalid handle on failure.
int OpenCMISS::Zinc::Scene::endChange ( )

Call the scene begin change method before making multiple changes on the scene, to stop the scene from notifying clients of every change. After changes have been made, call this method to restart notifications and notify clients of changes made since calling begin change.

See Also
Status OpenCMISS::Zinc::OK on success, any other value on failure.
Graphics OpenCMISS::Zinc::Scene::findGraphicsByName ( const char *  name)

Returns the graphics of the specified name from the scene. Beware that graphics in the same scene may have the same name and this function will only return the first graphics found with the specified name;

sceneScene in which to find the graphics.
nameThe name of the graphics to find.
New reference to graphics of specified name, or 0 if not found. Returns the graphics of the specified name from the scene. Beware that graphics in the same scene may have the same name and this function will only return the first graphics found with the specified name;
nameThe name of the graphics to find.
Handle to first graphics with name, or NULL/invalid handle if not found or failed.
Graphics OpenCMISS::Zinc::Scene::getFirstGraphics ( )

Get the first graphics on the graphics list of <scene>.

Handle to first graphics, or NULL/invalid handle if none or failed.
Fontmodule OpenCMISS::Zinc::Scene::getFontmodule ( )

Get the font module which manages fonts for rendering text in graphics.

Handle to the font module, or NULL/invalid handle on failure.
Glyphmodule OpenCMISS::Zinc::Scene::getGlyphmodule ( )

Get the glyph module which stores static graphics for visualising points, vectors, axes etc. Note on startup no glyphs are defined and glyph module functions need to be called to define standard glyphs.

Handle to the glyph module, or NULL/invalid handle on failure.
cmzn_scene_id OpenCMISS::Zinc::Scene::getId ( ) const

Return the C handle of the Scene object.

C handle of Scene if this objects is valid, 0 otherwise.
Materialmodule OpenCMISS::Zinc::Scene::getMaterialmodule ( )

Return the material module which manages materials used to colour, texture and shade graphics. Note on startup only materials "default" and "default_selected" are defined, as white and red, respectively. Additional standard and custom materials can be defined using material module functions.

Handle to the material module, or NULL/invalid handle on failure.
Graphics OpenCMISS::Zinc::Scene::getNextGraphics ( const Graphics refGraphics)

Get the next graphics after <ref_graphics> on the graphics list of <scene>.

refGraphicsHandle to a graphics object.
Handle to next graphics, or NULL/invalid handle if none or failed.
int OpenCMISS::Zinc::Scene::getNumberOfGraphics ( )

Returns the number of graphics in <scene>.

Returns the number of graphics in scene.
Graphics OpenCMISS::Zinc::Scene::getPreviousGraphics ( const Graphics refGraphics)

Get the graphics before <ref_graphics> on the graphics list of <scene>.

refGraphicsHandle to a graphics object.
Handle to previous graphics, or NULL/invalid handle if none or failed.
Region OpenCMISS::Zinc::Scene::getRegion ( ) const

Gets the region this scene visualises.

Handle to owning region, or NULL/invalid handle on failure.
Scenefiltermodule OpenCMISS::Zinc::Scene::getScenefiltermodule ( )

Get the scene filter module which manages scenefilter objects for filtering contents of scenes with scenepicker and sceneviewer etc.

Handle to the scene filter module, or NULL/invalid handle on failure.
Sceneviewermodule OpenCMISS::Zinc::Scene::getSceneviewermodule ( )

Returns a handle to a sceneviewer module which manages sceneviewer objects for rendering 3-D scenes into rectangular windows or canvases using OpenGL.

Handle to the sceneviewer module, or NULL/invalid handle on failure..
Field OpenCMISS::Zinc::Scene::getSelectionField ( )

Get the selection field for the scene, if any.

Handle to selection field, or NULL/invalid handle if none or failed.
int OpenCMISS::Zinc::Scene::getSpectrumDataRange ( const Scenefilter filter,
const Spectrum spectrum,
int  valuesCount,
double *  minimumValuesOut,
double *  maximumValuesOut 

Get the range of graphics data field values rendered with the spectrum. Search is limited to the scene and its sub-scenes with an optional filter. Spectrum colour bar glyphs do not contribute to the range.

filterOptional filter on which graphics to get data range from. If omitted, then all graphics within the scene tree contribute.
spectrumThe spectrum to get the range for. Only data for graphics using this spectrum contribute to the range.
valuesCountThe number of data values to get the minimum and maximum range for, at least 1.
minimumValuesOutArray to receive the data value minimums. Must be at least as large as valuesCount.
maximumValuesOutArray to receive the data value maximums. Must be at least as large as valuesCount.
The number of data components for which a valid range is obtainable, which can be more or less than the valuesCount so must be tested if more than one component range requested. Returns 0 on any other error including bad arguments.
Spectrummodule OpenCMISS::Zinc::Scene::getSpectrummodule ( )

Get the spectrum module which manages spectrum objects controlling how graphics data fields are converted into colours.

Handle to the spectrum module, or NULL/invalid handle on failure.
Tessellationmodule OpenCMISS::Zinc::Scene::getTessellationmodule ( )

Get the tessellation module which manages objects controlling how curves are approximated by line segments in graphics.

Handle to the tessellation module, or NULL/invalid handle on failure.
Timekeepermodule OpenCMISS::Zinc::Scene::getTimekeepermodule ( )

Get the timekeeper module which manages objects for synchronising time across zinc objects.

Handle to the timekeeper module, or NULL/invalid handle on failure.
bool OpenCMISS::Zinc::Scene::getVisibilityFlag ( )

Returns the state of the scene's visibility flag.

Boolean value true if visibility flag is set, false if not.
bool OpenCMISS::Zinc::Scene::isValid ( ) const

Check if this is a valid Scene object.

Status True if object is valid, false otherwise.
int OpenCMISS::Zinc::Scene::moveGraphicsBefore ( const Graphics graphics,
const Graphics refGraphics 

Move a graphics to the position before ref_graphics in the scene's graphics list, or last in the list if no reference graphics supplied. Earlier graphics are drawn first and in hardware rendering their pixel fragments are displayed in priority over later graphics at the same depth.

graphicsThe graphics to be moved. Must be from scene.
refGraphicsAnother graphics from this scene to insert before, or NULL to move graphics to last position in list.
Status OpenCMISS::Zinc::OK on success, any other value on failure.
int OpenCMISS::Zinc::Scene::removeAllGraphics ( )

Removes all graphics from the scene.

Status OpenCMISS::Zinc::OK on success, any other value on failure.
int OpenCMISS::Zinc::Scene::removeGraphics ( const Graphics graphics)

Removes a graphics from scene and decrements the position of all subsequent graphics.

graphicsThe graphics to be removed.
Status OpenCMISS::Zinc::OK on success, otherwise OpenCMISS::Zinc::ERROR_ARGUMENT.
int OpenCMISS::Zinc::Scene::setSelectionField ( const Field selectionField)

Set the field giving selection and highlighting in the scene. Currently restricted to 'field_group' type fields. This function will also set the selection field for all of its subregion scenes if the a corresponding subregion field_group exists, otherwise the selection group of the child scene will be set to NULL.

selectionFieldGroup field to be used as the selection.
Status OpenCMISS::Zinc::OK on success, any other value on failure.
int OpenCMISS::Zinc::Scene::setVisibilityFlag ( bool  visibilityFlag)

Set the state of the scene's visibility flag. Note this only affects visibility of graphics when a scene filter is acting on it.

visibilityFlagBoolean true to set, false to clear.
Status OpenCMISS::Zinc::OK on success, otherwise OpenCMISS::Zinc::ERROR_ARGUMENT.

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