OpenCMISS | The OpenCMISS namespace |
Zinc | The OpenCMISS::Zinc namespace |
Context | The context is the primary object created for each instance of Zinc |
Differentialoperator | Describes the derivative of a field to evaluate |
Elementbasis | A set of basis functions that can apply over an element of a given dimension |
Element | A single finite element from a mesh |
Elementtemplate | A description of element shape and field definitions |
Elementiterator | An iterator for looping through all the elements in a mesh |
Mesh | A finite element mesh consisting of a set of elements of fixed dimension |
MeshGroup | A subset of a master mesh |
Meshchanges | Object describing changes to a mesh in a fieldmoduleevent |
Field | Base field type: an abstraction of a mathematical field |
Fielditerator | An iterator for looping through all the fields in a fieldmodule |
FieldAlias | A specialised field type creating a local alias |
FieldAdd | A field where the which adds the components of source_field_one and source_field_two |
FieldPower | A field where the which calculates the components of source_field_one raised to the power of the components in source_field_two |
FieldMultiply | A field where the which multiplies the components of source_field_one and source_field_two |
FieldDivide | A field where the which divides the components of source_field_one by source_field_two |
FieldSubtract | A field which gives the result of subtracting source_field_two from source_field_one |
FieldLog | A field where the field components are the natural logarithm of each component in the source field |
FieldSqrt | A field where the field components are the square root of each component in the source field |
FieldExp | A field where the field components are the natural exponent of each component in the source field |
FieldAbs | A field where the field components are the absolute value of each component in the source field |
Fieldcache | Cache for setting domain locations at which fields are evaluated or assigned |
FieldIdentity | A field with the single source field |
FieldComponent | A field returning a single component of a source field as a scalar |
FieldConcatenate | A field which concatenates the components of all source fields, in order, into a single vector |
FieldIf | A conditional field with the same number of components as each of the source_fields |
FieldConstant | A field with the components specified in the array values |
FieldStringConstant | A string constant field with the supplied string value in <string_constant> |
FieldCoordinateTransformation | A field which performs a coordinate transformation from the source field values in their coordinate system type into the coordinate system type of this field |
FieldVectorCoordinateTransformation | |
FieldDerivative | A field returning the derivative of the field with respect to element xi_index as its primary value |
FieldCurl | A field returning the curl of vector_field at location given by coordinate_field |
FieldDivergence | A scalar field returning the divergence of vector field within coordinate field |
FieldGradient | A field returning the curl of vector_field at location given by coordinate_field |
FieldFibreAxes | A "fibre axes" field type which returns a 9-component (3 x 3 vector) field representing an orthonormal coordinate system which is rotated by 3 Euler angles supplied by a fibre field |
FieldFiniteElement | A real-valued field defined by element basis |
FieldEmbedded | A field returning a value of a source field at an embedded location |
FieldFindMeshLocation | A field that computes the location in a mesh |
FieldNodeValue | A field which represents and returns node values/derivatives |
FieldStoredMeshLocation | A field storing locations within a mesh |
FieldStoredString | A field which stores and returns string values at nodes |
FieldGroup | A generic group field used for grouping local subobjects |
FieldImage | An image-based field giving the pixel colour/intensity values |
FieldImagefilterBinaryDilate | A field performing ITK binary dilate image filter on scalar source field image |
FieldImagefilterBinaryErode | A field performing ITK binary erode image filter on scalar source field image |
FieldImagefilterBinaryThreshold | Image processing derived field type performing the ITK binary threshold filter |
FieldImagefilterCannyEdgeDetection | A field returning result of ITK canny edge detection filter on the source field image |
FieldImagefilterConnectedThreshold | A field performing ITK connected threshold image filter on scalar source field image |
FieldImagefilterCurvatureAnisotropicDiffusion | A field performing ITK curvature anisotropic diffusion image filter on scalar source field image |
FieldImagefilterDiscreteGaussian | Image processing derived field type performing the ITK discrete gaussian filter |
FieldImagefilterHistogram | Image processing derived field type performing the ITK histogram field |
FieldImagefilterGradientMagnitudeRecursiveGaussian | A field performing ITK gradient magnitude recursive gaussian image filter on scalar source field image |
FieldImagefilterRescaleIntensity | A field performing ITK rescale intensity image filter on scalar source field image |
FieldImagefilterMean | |
FieldImagefilterSigmoid | A field performing ITK sigmoid image filter on scalar source field image |
FieldImagefilterThreshold | Image processing derived field type performing the ITK threshold filter |
FieldAnd | A field whose component values are 1 if that component of source_field_one AND source_field_two is non-zero, 0 otherwise |
FieldEqualTo | A field whose component values are 1 if that component of source_field_one EQUALS that component of source_field_two, 0 otherwise |
FieldGreaterThan | A field whose component values are 1 if that component of source_field_one is greater than the component value in source_field_two |
FieldLessThan | A field whose component values are 1 if that component of source_field_one is less than the component value in source_field_two |
FieldOr | A field whose component values are 1 if that component of source_field_one OR source_field_two is non-zero, 0 otherwise |
FieldNot | A field whose component values are 1 if that component of the source_field is zero, 0 otherwise; effectively a component-wise logical not operator |
FieldXor | A field whose component values are 1 if that component of source_field_one OR source_field_two is non-zero (but not both), 0 otherwise |
FieldDeterminant | A field returning the scalar real determinant of a square matrix source field |
FieldEigenvalues | A field returning the N eigenvalues of symmetric N*N component source field |
FieldEigenvectors | A field returning the N, N-dimensional eigenvectors computed with the source eigenvalues field |
FieldMatrixInvert | A field returning the inverse of N*N symmetric matrix valued source field |
FieldMatrixMultiply | A field returning the values resulting from matrix multiplication <source_field1> x <source_field2>, with <number_of_rows> rows in both <source_field1> and the result |
FieldProjection | A projection field returning the result of a matrix multiplication with perspective division on the source field vector |
FieldTranspose | A field returning the transpose of N*M matrix source_field |
Fieldmodule | Container/manager of fields and domains within a region |
Fieldmoduleevent | Information about changes to fields and other objects in the field module |
Fieldmodulecallback | Base class functor for field module notifier callbacks |
Fieldmodulenotifier | Manages individual user notification of changes with a field module |
FieldNodesetSum | A field which computes the sum of each source field component over all nodes in the nodeset for which it is defined |
FieldNodesetMean | A field which computes the mean of each source field component over all nodes in the nodeset for which it is defined |
FieldNodesetSumSquares | A field which computes the sum of the squares of each source field component over all nodes in the nodeset for which it is defined |
FieldNodesetMeanSquares | A field which computes the mean of the squares of each source field component over all nodes in the nodeset for which it is defined |
FieldNodesetMinimum | A field which computes the minimum of each source field component over all nodes in the nodeset for which it is defined |
FieldNodesetMaximum | A field which computes the maximum of each source field component over all nodes in the nodeset for which it is defined |
FieldSceneviewerProjection | A field whose values are the 4x4 transformation matrix mapping coordinates between two scene coordinate systems for a scene viewer |
FieldElementGroup | A field which defines a subset of elements from a master mesh |
FieldNodeGroup | A field which defines a subset of nodes from a master nodeset |
FieldTimeLookup | A field whose value equals the source_field evaluated at the time given by time_field, overriding any time prescribed for field evaluation |
FieldTimeValue | A field which returns the current time from the supplied time keeper |
FieldSin | A field where the components are the sine value (using radians) of the components of the source_field |
FieldCos | A field where the components are the cosine value (using radians) of the components of the source_field |
FieldTan | A field where the components are the trigonometric tangent value (using radians) of the components of the source_field |
FieldAsin | A field where the components are the arcsine value (using radians) of the components of the source_field |
FieldAcos | A field where the components are the arccosine value (using radians) of the components of the source_field |
FieldAtan | A field where the components are the arctangent value (using radians) of the components of the source_field |
FieldAtan2 | A field where the components are calculated using the atan2 c function, so that the angle returned (in radians) is the angle between a positive x axis in a plane and the vector (x,y) where x is the source_field_one component and y is the source_field_two component |
FieldCrossProduct | A vector field which is the cross product of the source_fields |
FieldDotProduct | A scalar field whose value is the dot product of the two supplied source fields, which must have equal numbers of components |
FieldMagnitude | A scalar field returning the magnitude of the vector source field |
FieldNormalise | A field returning the values of source vector field normalised to unit length |
FieldSumComponents | A field which has one component equal to the sum of all components of the source field |
Font | Font object controlling attributes of rendering text |
Fontmodule | Module managing all fonts |
Glyph | A glyph is a static graphics object used to visualise a point in space |
GlyphAxes | A specialised glyph type which renders 3-D axes |
GlyphColourBar | A specialised glyph type which draws a cylindrical colour bar |
Glyphmodule | Module managing all glyphs |
Graphics | Base graphics type: produces 3-D graphics visualising domains and fields |
GraphicsContours | The contours derived graphics type |
GraphicsLines | Lines visualise 1-D elements in the model |
GraphicsPoints | Points graphics visualise discrete locations in the model |
GraphicsStreamlines | Streamlines visualise the path of a fluid particle tracking along a vector field |
GraphicsSurfaces | Surfaces visualise 2-D elements in the model |
Graphicslineattributes | Attributes object specifying how lines are visualised |
Graphicspointattributes | Attributes object specifying how points are visualised |
Graphicssamplingattributes | Graphics attributes object specifying how points are sampled in elements |
Material | Zinc materials specify colouring of graphics |
Materialmodule | Module managing all materials |
Node | Point object used to represent finite element nodes |
Nodetemplate | A description of field parameters to define at a node |
Nodeiterator | An iterator for looping through all the nodes in a nodeset |
Nodeset | A set of nodes or points |
NodesetGroup | A subset of a master nodeset |
Nodesetchanges | Object describing changes to a nodeset in a fieldmoduleevent |
Optimisation | A description of a non-linear optimisation problem |
Region | A hierarchical block/namespace owning domains and fields |
Scene | Container/manager for graphics visualising a region |
Scenefilter | Scene filters determines which graphics are drawn |
ScenefilterOperator | An operator OR or AND specific scene filter type |
Scenefiltermodule | Module managing all scene filters |
Scenepicker | Utility object for picking graphics and model objects |
Sceneviewerevent | Information about changes to fields and other objects in the scene viewer |
Sceneviewercallback | Base class functor for Sceneviewer notifier callbacks: |
Sceneviewernotifier | Manages individual user notification of changes with a scene viewer |
Sceneviewer | The Zinc sceneviewer is responsible for rendering the graphical Scene |
Sceneviewermodule | Module object for creating and managing scene viewers |
Sceneviewerinput | Describes a mouse event for processing by the sceneviewer |
Selectionevent | Information about changes to the selection group in the scene |
Selectioncallback | Base class functor for Selection notifier callbacks: |
Selectionnotifier | Manages individual user notification of changes to the selection group |
Spectrumcomponent | Maps a single component of a data field to colour in a spectrum |
Spectrum | Zinc Spectrum maps values of graphics data fields to colours |
Spectrummodule | Module managing all spectrums |
Streamresource | A description of a resource for reading from or writing to |
StreamresourceFile | A derived streamresource describing a file |
StreamresourceMemory | A derived stream resource describing a block of memory |
Streaminformation | Base type listing resources and options for stream I/O |
StreaminformationImage | An image-specific stream information object |
StreaminformationRegion | A region-specific stream information object |
Tessellation | The tessellation controls the number of polygons or line segments |
Tessellationmodule | Module managing all tessellation objects |
Timekeeper | The timekeeper synchronises a current time across Zinc objects |
Timekeepermodule | Module for finding and managing timekeepers |
Timenotifierevent | Information about changes to the timekeeper/time |
Timenotifiercallback | Base class functor for Timenotifier callbacks |
Timenotifier | Description of timing requirements and for setting up time callbacks |
TimenotifierRegular | A derived timenotifier type which requests notifications at regular intervals |
Timesequence | A non-decreasing list of times at which nodal parameters can be stored |